A Vietnamese information retrieval system for product-price

Title: A Vietnamese information retrieval system for product-price
Authors: Vu, TienThanh
Nguyen, Dat Quoc
Keywords: Data mining;Product Information Extraction;Vietnamese Information Retrieval System
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: H. : ĐHQGHN
Abstract: A price information retrieval (IR) system allows users to search and view differences among prices of specific products. Building product-price driven IR system is a challenging and active research area. Approaches entirely depending products information provided by shops via interface environment encounter limitations of database. While automatic systems specifically require product names and commercial websites for their input. For both paradigms, approaches of building product-price IR system for Vietnamese are still very limited. In this paper, we introduce an automatic Vietnamese IR system for product-price by identifying and storing Xpath patterns to extract prices of products from commercial websites. Experiments of our system show promising results. © 2011 IEEE.
Description: Proceedings - 2011 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing, GrC 2011 6122681, pp. 691-696
URI: http://repository.vnu.edu.vn/handle/VNU_123/28122
Appears in Collections:Bài báo của ĐHQGHN trong Scopus

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